Welcome Soldier.

Unban application

hawoo Sin conexión
1. name - ez 4 hawoo
3. people on your server think i cheat. i have youtube videos uploaded with over 15 years ago of me playing counter-strike. i have been playing for a long time and played competitively for years. i do not cheat. i request a real admin to evaluate me playing that doesnt side with players or friends of the server that say i cheat. i have been playing counter strike for over 20 years. Last night a real cheater came on ROBLAV and started cheating and would only kill me, Rob1n banned him then he came back 10 minutes later after Rob1n left and cheated some more until everyone left the server. i have many witnesses i can name that saw this. i do not cheat.
[MxEMexico] =================================================
[MxEMexico] Admin: Alan#

[MxEMexico] You can protest your ban @ www.mxemexico.com

[MxEMexico] Reason: 'Ez 2 Alan 4 ban uc:'

[MxEMexico] Duration: 'permanently'

[MxEMexico] Your SteamID: 'STEAM_0:0:148029662'

[MxEMexico] Your IP: ''
[MxEMexico] =================================================

Alan# Sin conexión
Unbanned for the moment, I will see the demo again and I will make a decision.
[Imagen: JVOvVSg.png]
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