Welcome Soldier.

Banned by the Same Admin Again

giantddu Sin conexión
[MxEMexico] ============================================================
[MxEMexico] Admin: Æ | [i] sildor
[MxEMexico] You can protest your ban @ www.mxemexico.com
[MxEMexico] Reason: 'Evade ban'
[MxEMexico] Duration: 'permanently'
[MxEMexico] Your SteamID: 'STEAM_0: 1: 20869056'
[MxEMexico] Your IP: '73 .152.126.154 '
[MxEMexico] ============================================================

I made an unban request some time ago and got approved. Here is the thread: http://www.mxemexico.com/showthread.php?tid=9061.

Minutes ago, I got banned by the same admin again. I cannot help believing that this is personal. One warning does not seem to be enough.
[+] 1 user says Thank You to giantddu for this post

GabsHp Sin conexión
Lord Gabs
I removed the ban again.
+1 advertencia al administrador.

El administrador acumula 3 advertencias. Y pasa a "espera de sanción"

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:120682393
Advertencias:  Advertencia 3/3 

[No presentar pruebas en sus baneos]  [i][No presentar pruebas en sus baneos]  [Mal uso del comando BAN][/i]
Reportes: Reporte 1 Reporte 2 Reporte 3

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