Welcome Soldier.

Trouble in Terrorist Town Unban

Gringo Sin conexión
Nombre: DED
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:199893616

[MxEMexico] ===============================================
[MxEMexico] Por el Admin: Knuckles from Uganda
[MxEMexico] Puedes protestar por tu baneo @ www.mxemexico.com
[MxEMexico] Razon: 'BAN ACTIVO'
[MxEMexico] Duracion: 'permanently'
[MxEMexico] Tu SteamID: 'STEAM_0:0:199893616'
[MxEMexico] Tu IP: ''
[MxEMexico] ===============================================

Hola, soy canadiense, por lo tanto, mi español no será bueno. (Creo que todos me odiarán ya que noto que los servidores son ligeramente hostiles a Gringos; Dejo de usar traducir aquí)

So I got on the server and I got my traitor round (SI!) I wait around, then I got an AWP and started AWPing everyone on de_rats_1337. When I got to my last innocent victim, I was IMMEDIATELY banned by Knuckles from Uganda (Te amos Knuckles... but WHYY)

Gringo (DED)

Mensajes en este tema
Trouble in Terrorist Town Unban - por Gringo - 02-20-2018, 02:53 AM
RE: Trouble in Terrorist Town Unban - por Pac - 02-20-2018, 02:55 AM

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