- Written by
xPaw &
- v1.4.9, last updated : 2nd May 2012
This plugin allows you to gag players from using say_team, say or voicecomm.
Gag still works after retry.
It also echos admin actions based on amx_show_activity, prints message to admins when gagged players disconnects.
Admins with immunity will not be executed on.
See below for features list.
Admin Commands
- amx_gag <nick/userid> [time] [flags] - Will gag player, flags can be a|b|c, you can combine them, watch below for info.
- If no time is specified, default time and flags from cvars will be used
- If no flags are specified, default flags from cvar will be used
- amx_addgag <authid> [time] [flags] - Will add SteamID to gagged list with time and flags
- If no time is specified, default time and flags from cvars will be used
- If no flags are specified, default flags from cvar will be used
- amx_ungag <nick/userid> - Will remove any gag from player
- amx_ungag @all - Will remove any gag from all players
- amx_ungag <steamid> - Will remove any gag from a player that is not connected (remember to use quotes!)
- amx_gagmenu - Opens gagging menu
Gagging Flags- a - Normal chat
- b - Team chat
- c - Voicecomm
Server Command
- amx_gag_times <time1> [time2] [time3] ... - Sets the gag times available in the menu
(Default: 60 300 600 1800 3600 7200 86400)
- amx_gag_default_flags <flags> - Sets the default gag flags when amx_gag command does not provide flags (Default: abc)
- amx_gag_default_time <time> - Sets the default gag time when amx_gag command does not provide time (Default: 600)
- amx_gag_time_units <time unit> - The specific time unit to use in the gag command and menu
- Possible values:- 0, second, seconds (Default)
- 1, minute, minutes
- 2, hour, hours
- 3, day, days
- 4, week, weeks
- amx_gag_max_time <time> - Sets the maximum gag time allowed via command (and in menu) (Default: 86400)
- amx_gag_sql <0/1> - Enables/Disables saving gags in SQL (Default: 0)
- amx_gag_sql_host <host> - The host to connect to when saving for SQL (Default: empty)
- amx_gag_sql_user <user> - The user to connect with to the host (Default: empty)
- amx_gag_sql_pass <pass> - The password of the user connecting to the SQL database (Default: empty)
- amx_gag_sql_db <db> - The database where everything is stored for gags (Default: empty)
- Supports reconnect
- Live time gags removing
- Prints message to admins when gagged player disconnects
- If you are gagged from chat, and trying to speak, it will print remaining time
- Supports permanent gagging and gags save over map change!
- Menu: Supports flags, multiple times, and ungagging!
- Colored chat and menus (CS/CZ/DOD only)
- Change time units for the command (ie. seconds, minutes, etc.) and menu
- Add SteamIDs to gagged list without player being in the server
- Remove SteamIDs from gagged list without player being in the server
- Store gags in SQL (optional) to keep them across multiple servers
- AMX Mod X 1.8.1 or higher
- Steam-only server
Latest sourcecode is available on GitHub[/size]
Attached Files
Get Plugin or Get Source (amx_gag.sma - 30192 views - 40.5 KB)