Welcome Soldier.

Wrongly Banned

giantddu Sin conexión
[MxEMexico] ============================================================ ============= ============= ============= =========== == =========== ==
[MxEMexico] Admin: Æ | [i] sildor
[MxEMexico] You can protest your ban @ www.mxemexico.com
[MxEMexico] Reason: 'Wallhack'
[MxEMexico] Duration: 'permanently'
[MxEMexico] Your SteamID: 'STEAM_0: 1: 20869056'
[MxEMexico] Your IP: '73 .152.126.154 '
[MxEMexico] ============================================================ ============= ============= ============= =========== == =========== ==

A few minutes ago, while playing in the Game Gun server, I got banned by this admin, silder. 

A few days ago, when we both played on the server, I killed him and then I kicked me. When I reconnected, he has already left the server. This showcases how unprofessional he is. I also suspect that he banned me because he gets owned by me. I hope I can get unbanned as soon as possible with justice.

GabsHp Sin conexión
Lord Gabs
As a rule, the admin has 24 hours to present their evidence. Otherwise, your ban will be removed.

giantddu Sin conexión
Time is up. Can I get unbanned? This ban is way too arbitrary. Hope the guy who banned me can get some punishment for it.

[MxEMexico] ============================================================ ============= ============= ============= =========== == =========== ==
[MxEMexico] Admin: Æ | [i] sildor
[MxEMexico] You can protest your ban @ http://www.mxemexico.com
[MxEMexico] Reason: 'Wallhack'
[MxEMexico] Duration: 'permanently'
[MxEMexico] Your SteamID: 'STEAM_0: 1: 20869056'
[MxEMexico] Your IP: '73 .152.126.154 '
[MxEMexico] ============================================================ ============= ============= ============= =========== == =========== ==

GabsHp Sin conexión
Lord Gabs
The ban has been removed.

El administrador acumula +1 advertencia.

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